Torchbearers for Christ
Friday, September 20, 2024
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Thank you Lord

I will extol thee, my God, O King, and I will bless thy name for ever and ever......My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless His holy name for ever and ever.  (Psalm 145:1 & 21)

Just a while ago we were celebrating the arrival of a new year, 2005, and in just a few days we will be ushering in another new year, 2006.  2005 has gone so fast, so much so that some of us have almost lost track of time.  In Psalm 145, the Psalmist gives us good advice–one that is worth remembering always….That in All Things We Should Give Thanks.
Look back at 2005, from January till now and try to count all that God has done for you. If nothing at all, He has kept you alive to see this day. If you recall, some of your friends, have not lived to see this day. As we speak, some are in hospital, and you too may be in hospital, but He has kept you to see another day. You ought to Praise Him!!!.
In Verse 14, The Psalmist says, “the Lord upholdeth all that fall”, what a gracious assurance. In spite of all that came against you in 2005, things that could have totally destroyed you, that could have consumed you, yet He upheld you. Praise the Name of the Lord. You may not know it, but many are the battles that God fought for you in 2005. This is the faithful God that we serve. Remember the words of Jesus to the Father in John 17, “Those that thou gave me, I have kept”. As this year draws to a close, you should thank Him for His keeping power.
There may have been times during this year when you felt that He was far from you but the truth is that He was ever present. In Psalm 23, the Psalmist said, “even I though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me”. He is a God that “neither sleeps nor slumbers”, “a friend that sticks closer than a brother”. Friend, has He not been with you this year?
The Psalmist concludes this Psalm with a timeless advice, a precious one at that… “my mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord; and let all flesh bless His holy name forever and ever”. Friend, to end 2005 and begin 2006 praising the Lord is the best gift we can give to our Maker, the Giver of all good gifts. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Let us Pray…
Dear God, I am so grateful for the many things that you have done for me. Receive all the praise the honor, the glory, and the adoration. Father, I cannot thank you enough for the Gift of Jesus Christ. Thank you that you gave your only begotten son to die for us. Father, thank you for the wonderful families that you have surrounded us with; Lord, thank you for the health, thank you for the many meals you placed on our table, thank you for the jobs you gave to us, the promotions,  the finances, the healing. Father thank you for all that you did behind the scenes, thank you for the divine protection you provided and the battles you fought for us that we did not even know. God receive all the Praise. Truly,  we love you and we thank you.  As the year draws to a close, our prayer is that you give us a thankful heart, an appreciative heart, a heart that never ceases to thank you. We love you Lord. We ask all this in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.