Torchbearers for Christ
Sunday, May 19, 2024
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How Far Have We Gone? Too Far!


“Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; and He overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.” (Genesis 19:24-25)


The LORD told his friend, Abraham, that because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sins were very grievous he was going down to destroy them. Abraham pleaded with God till God agreed that were He to find only ten righteous men, He would spare them but this was not so. Even Lot’s own son-in-laws did not believed him. God ultimately rains brimstone, sulphur-like material that burns with a bright flame, and fire from heaven. Sodom and Gomorrah had gone too far.


How can the church appoint into leadership positions people who are living a contrary life to that prescribed in the Bible? How can gays and lesbians stand in the pulpit to declare the works of the Lord when their very lifestyle utterly rejects God’s design for them. How different is this from Sodom and Gomorrah? Will a Just God spare us from brimstone and fire? How is it that people are filling up theatres in New York to watch shows that portray good as evil and evil as good; and others are mocking the name of Jesus Christ and yet others walk around practically naked and yet others spend their time indulging in all kinds of ungodly activities. Brethren, what shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? Will we cry foul play if God were to bring judgment upon us? Surely are we better off than the bewitched Galatians?


Friends, considering how far today’s society has gone, we deserve brimstone and fire just as much as Sodom and Gomorrah.  But in spite of all this, should we give up all hope? No way!!!! Not as long as there are still some Abrahams. Yes, the Abraham’s of our generation need to hold on to God. The friends of God need to petition Him for the sake of this generation. Many of these men and women who are living a lifestyle contrary to God’s will are walking in deception, many others have been blinded by the god of this world. God is looking for a man to stand in the gap. Where are the gap-fillers of our generation? Are you ready to be used of God? Do you pass quietly by and ignore the perversion of this age or do you hold unto God’s garment and plead for mercy and a repentant heart? If all that call on the Name of The Lord can cry unto Him, the walls of immorality, perversion and ungodly spirits will have to come down and be destroyed just like the walls of Jericho. God is awaiting those that will call on Him on behalf of this generation. Let us petition God for our families, for our children, for the TV stations, for our schools, for our places of work and let us believe Him for a turnaround. Nothing is too hard for God. The earth and the fullness thereof is the Lord’s. Yes, let us not forget the Church. Let us pray that a spirit of compromise will not creep into the Church and take it over. Paul asked the Galatians why they ended up in the flesh when they started well in the spirit. May we remain led by the Spirit. This is the only way we can ever win this battle. He, The Holy Spirit, will lead us into all the Truth and we shall come up victors in all instances.


I ask myself the question, How far have we gone? Too far. What can be done? God is looking to you to become His friend so that you can petition Him on behalf of this decaying generation. Only God is able to give life and restoration, our part is to petition Him. He is Faithful and True and will always heed our cry.