Torchbearers for Christ
Sunday, May 19, 2024
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A Season of Refreshing



Praise the Lord.


I trust that you are fine and well kept of God. My wife and I are well and are thankful to God for His goodness that never ceases. We thank God for you and for your prayers and we pray that God will continue to bless you and keep you. Amen.


What a joy when seasons change. But, what a greater joy when The Great I AM promises a Season of Refreshing. God has placed in my heart to tell you that a Season of Refreshing is on its way for you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


The Bible says, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that Times of Refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19 NIV)


When Peter, who was accompanied by John, uttered these words, he had just healed the crippled man who laid at the Gate Beautiful. Peter, talking to onlookers highlighted a few lessons that are vital for us to learn if we desire a Season of Refreshing to come our way.


First - Repentance.


Peter told those that were gathered to listen that Repentance was the first thing God would like to see before a Season of Refreshing can come. When we look at the different revivals that took place in the past, the Azuza Street Revival, the Lewis Revival, etc, we notice that there was an emphasis on repentance. There has to be repentance before there can be a move of God. God Himself says “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV).


Second – Turn to God for the wiping away of our sins.


The second thing that Peter says is vital is a turning to God. Many people fall into sin and instead of turning to God for help, they turn away from Him. The Bible says that though our sins may be as red as scarlet, God can make them as white as snow. Repent and turn to Him, He is a forgiving Father. I pray that genuine repentance will spread throughout the whole world and that truthfulness shall accompany repentant hearts. I pray that those with deceitful hearts will be convicted to repent in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


After meeting the above conditions, Peter says then will we receive Times of Refreshing from The Lord. A Season of Refreshing means a time of relief, relief from labor, relief from bondage, relief from every satanic yokes. I pray in Jesus Mighty Name that God will destroy all the life-long yokes and chains that have kept you, your family, friends, finances, and ministry in bondage. I declare that he who the son sets free is free indeed in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I call on the burden removing, yoke destroying power of the Living God to meet you at your point of need in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Refreshing also means rest. May God make you lie down in green pastures in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Every unnecessary labor and assignments that are not meant to be borne by you I cut them off now in Jesus Faithful Name, Amen. I decree rest from your labor, rest for your mind, rest in your heart, rest in your marriage, rest on your job in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen. Every plan of the enemy to make you or those that you love, to be tired, depressed and dejected I cancel and ask God to render the forces of darkness against your rest powerless in Jesus Great and Mighty Name, Amen. I ask God Almighty to cut you lose from every ungodly relationships and grant you rest in Jesus Great and Powerful Name, Amen.


My prayer is that God Almighty will pour from heaven, Living Waters and we will experience a new infilling of The Holy Ghost. I Pray that every soul shall not only hunger for righteousness but also for The Water of Life and that we shall be quick to respond to the call of Jesus Christ “…If any man thirsts, let him come unto me and drink..” (John 7:37 NIV).


Father, I pray that in this Season of Refreshing, every tired area of our lives shall be refreshed by your Power in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Every satanic darkness I rebuke it in Jesus Mighty Name and I speak the glorious Light of Our Lord Jesus Christ to shine in our lives in Jesus Faithful Name, Amen. I pray for a Refreshing of our love for you, a refreshing of our prayer life and our zeal for you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I pray that true repentance and a desire to serve the Lord truthfully shall be birthed in us in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I pray that in this Season of Refreshing, our hearts shall be burdened even more for those that are perishing and that we shall be eager to stand in the gap and wage war to secure them into the Kingdom of God. I pray that in this Season of Refreshing, as God anoints us with the Oil from above, we shall cry out even more as we see our brothers and sisters who are hanging on the edge of the cliff about to fall into hell fire. Help us so that by God's grace we can snatch them off the cliff and into your kingdom. May God put an urgency and fervency in our heart to do this in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. I pray that as God unties the chains that the enemy had placed on our lives, we too shall be able to see the chains holding bound our colleagues, friends and relatives and call on the Power of God to set them free in Jesus Powerful Name, Amen. Above all, I pray that this season shall be one where we will refuel, recharge and be touched by the Resurrection Power and that at the end of the season like Caleb, we shall declare “…give me this mountain..” (Joshua 14:12) knowing that it is not by our own power or might, but it is by The Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Have a wonderful Season of Refreshing.


Bro. Chester


MARCH 2005 - Monthly Online WORD

MAY 2005 - Monthly Online WORD