Torchbearers for Christ
Monday, May 06, 2024
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God is able to bring about the performance of that which He has spoken concerning you – in the name of Jesus. On one hand, one of the most challenging things for any believer is waiting for the performance of the things that God has spoken concerning him or her. On the other hand, one of the  most frustrating things for a believer is to try to figure out how God will do that which He has promised to do. The major reason for this is that when we try to figure it out, we are trying to mind God’s business. Many of us have not achieved any reasonable degree of success, trying to mind our own business, and we are trying to mind God’s business for Him. There is simply no wisdom in that.


The key phrase is whether or not God has spoken, If He has, all that is left for you and I, is to patiently wait for the performance of that which He has promised. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.” My friend, if God has called you to be the head; you will be the head. If He has called you to be fruitful (spiritual or physical); then you will surely be fruitful. If He has called you to be successful; success will pursue you everywhere you go. If however, God has not spoken, and you jump out, you are on your own. You cannot hold God responsible for that which He has not ordained or spoken into existence.


The fact is that it is not possible for God to tell a lie. God’s word cannot but come to pass. The reason is when God speaks; power is immediately generated to bring about the performance of that which God has said. That is exactly what happened in Genesis chapter one. As soon as God said, ‘let there be’, there was. It did not matter whether or not it looked feasible or not, It did not matter whether or not the elements to bring it about were present or not. As soon as God said it, it was done. My friend, you need to stop focusing on your situation and how seemingly impossible it looks. You need to begin to focus on what God has said. We read in Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man that He should repent; hath he said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good.? My friend, if God said it and you believe it, that settles it!


Many are aware that Abraham did not have a child for many years. They are also aware that even after God had promised him a child, he had to wait for many years for the performance. Many, are not however aware, that the situation of Isaac, the father of Jacob was very similar. Isaac got married to Rebekah at forty – Genesis 25:20. Rebekah however, did not give birth to the twin boys until twenty years down the road – Genesis 25:26. In both cases, God spoke and He brought about the performance of that which He spoke. However, it was at His own time. This is another major area where Christians have challenges – waiting for God’s timing. Many Christians live in a microwave society. They want everything now, if not yesterday. We cannot however, deal with God that way. He decides when it is time to get things done. We must be willing to work and walk with Him. We must be willing to wait for His green light in every situation. Jumping out, prior to seeing His green light, is both dangerous and foolish.


When Rebekah started to sense some strange movements in her womb, she went to God. God’s reply to her enquiry is found in Genesis 25:23, “And the Lord said to her, two nations are in thy womb; and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.” My question to you my friend is, ‘Where do you go when you have strange movements?’ These strange movements could occur in your home, on your job, in your finances, academics, relationships, or even in your body. Be as wise as Rebekah – Go to God.


This verse is critical to the destiny of Jacob. The pronouncement of God was strange. How can it be that the elder will serve the younger? It was simply unheard of. The important thing however, was that God had pronounced it! What is interesting about this pronouncement is that the father of the boys, Isaac, was not aware of it. I believe this is the reason why we read in Genesis 25:28, “And Isaac loved Esau because he did east of his venison; but Rebekah loved Jacob.” You see, Rebekah had a revelation – God’s revelation – about the twin boys. Isaac did not. Notice the reason why Isaac loved Esau – because He did eat of his venison – a carnal reason.


As previously stated, when God makes a pronouncement, he will ensure the performance. It is not in our place to begin to worry about the performance. God will make a way to bring about the performance of that which He has promised. This is exactly what He did for Jacob. We read in Psalms 119:89, “Forever O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.”


In order to bring about the performance of His word, God began to work in both of them – in Jacob to demand Esau’s birthright, and in Esau to discountenance his birthright. My friend, God is able to make people you hardly know to pass the ownership of things of great value to you. With this exchange of birthright, the foundation for the performance of the seemingly impossible had been laid. The foundation for the performance of your miracle will be laid soon in the miracle working name of Jesus! With the exchange of birthright, the legal backing for that which God had said was now in place. Rather than refer to God as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Esau, which was the natural thing according to the birth order, we call Him the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because God had said to Rebekah that the elder shall serve the younger.


Every other thing that followed had a foundation to lie on. The tricks that Jacob in consonance with his mother, played on Isaac could not have worked if the foundation had not been laid. We read in Hebrew 12:17, “For ye know how that afterward, when he could have inherited the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with tears.” Tears could not bring back the blessing to Esau. Jacob already had it. You will not lose your blessings in the name of Jesus.


My friend, God has not changed. He will never change. If He did it for Jacob, He will do it for you. As long as He has promised it, it will surely come to pass. God is able to perform that which He has spoken concerning you. And He will!


This article was written by Pastor Yomi Adewale. He is the Pastor of Cornerstone Christian Ministries which is located at 130 Port Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10302. You can contact him at or by telephone at (718) 273 2988.