Torchbearers for Christ
Saturday, May 18, 2024
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A Month to Appreciate Gods Timing

Praise the Lord dear friend, I believe that God has continued to be with you and has comforted you as He has promised in His Word. My wife and I are well and continue to be grateful to God who has remained our Shield and our Buckler.

God has placed in my spirit that this will be A Month to Appreciate God’s Timing.

Jesus Christ performed His first miracle at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. This incident is narrated in John 2:1-12. We are told that the wine at the wedding finished and a conversation ensued between Jesus and His mother. We read the following vital statements made by Jesus. First, when He is told by His mother that they have no more wine. Jesus says "Dear  Woman, my time has not yet come". Later on, referring to the empty water jars that were in the house, He tells them, "fill the jars with water" and also "draw some and take to the governor of the ceremony".

As I read this story, two things stood out which I would like to share with you. 

My time has not yet come
Jesus speaking to His mother said "my time has not yet come". In Ecclesiastes chapter 3, the writer declares that there is a time for everything under heaven. Jesus is The Christ, The Anointed One, yet we see him indicating that respect for time was critical. The miracle was necessary, there was a need but Jesus says the timing was not right. Friend, this made me ask myself the question, “how often have I done things that seemed right but were not according to God’s timing?” Respect for timing is a direct declaration that you trust God to direct your paths. It's accepting God as your Shepherd. This lines up with the scripture that says that the Lord will order the steps of the righteous. Friend, my prayer for you and I is that we will continuously seek God's timing in all that we do in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. May we embrace this key that David, the man after God’s own heart, learnt to live by. We often heard David ask God, "shall I pursue, shall I overtake, shall I recover all." Receive the anointing to walk in the timing of God in Jesus name. Amen.
Fill the jars with water. And they filled them to the brim
The jars that were filled with water were six and six is a biblical number that is symbolic of man. Man was created on the sixth day. This means that God desires to fill us with His Word. Another vital point is that before we can be His true witnesses or used by Him, we need to be filled and filled to the brim with the Word of God. There are many believers who have gone out to witness for Christ, but some have not been filled with the Word and have therefore returned discouraged and at times battered.What Jesus is advocating for here is that we should be filled with the Word before we can be true witnesses. It is true we can be witnesses and share the Word of God after we have read one or two scriptures but we are encouraged to be filled with the Word so as to counter all the lies that the enemy may want to propagate. Recently, a gentleman that I know in New York was confronted by a Jehovah Witness. If this gentleman had not been filled with the Word of God the Jehovah Witness would have succeeded in confusing him with lies. My friend, I encourage you to study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Job said, “I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12).
Friend, once we are filled with the Word of God, nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God and it is only then that we will be effective witnesses of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Friend, walk in His timing and it will amaze you how effortless your work will be; whether it is ministry work, secular work, studies, investments or evangelism….walk in His timing and success will be your portion at all times. I pray that the desire and the willingness to walk in His timing will be your portion in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Have a blessed month and may all your paths be guided by Him in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Remain blessed,
Bro. Chester